Take verona rd/dodgeville exit and head south.
Stay in the far RIGHT hand lane and follow the turn past Geno's Deli
Stay in the middle lane at the light to turn LEFT
Take the round about ALL the way around and head north
Our driveway is the first one on the RIGHT, about 50 feet after the roundabout (DON'T MISS IT)
Turn RIGHT onto Atticus Dr.
Turn into the only driveway on the right (by walgreens)
Follow that straight between the two buildings
Our driveway is on the LEFT just past the guard rail
Head north on Verona Rd/151
Turn RIGHT onto Atticus dr.
Go straight through the lights
Turn into the only driveway on the RIGHT (by walgreens)
Follow that straight between the two buildings
Our driveway is on the LEFT just past the guard rail
Head north on Verona Rd/151
Turn RIGHT onto Verona frontage rd
Make a full U-turn in the roundabout
Our driveway is the first one on the RIGHT, about 50 feet after the roundabout (DON'T MISS IT)
Turn RIGHT onto Atticus
Turn into the only driveway on the RIGHT (by walgreens)
Follow that straight between the two buildings
Our driveway is on the LEFT just past the guard rail